Posted in 100,000 Poets, Musicians, Artists and Activists for Change, Environment/Deep Ecology/Climate Change, General Interest, Peace & Justice

Update on 100,000 Poets for Change …

Reblogged from The Poet by Day


Over on The Bardo Group blog, we’ve just finished celebrating 100,000 Poets for Change (100TPC). The founders of 100TPC have invited our much valued community (The Bardo Group and Beguine Again) to join in this event again next year. I’ve agreed to participate.

As many readers know, I’ve invited Terri Stewart to take the Bardo leadership role from me and to join our Bardo collaborative with her Beguine Again collaborative to create a powerful synergy for advocating nonviolence. We are moving in new directions. Hence, I don’t want to speak at this time for everyone else but I am personally committed to 100TPC.

Should the Group be unable to take part, I’ll host the event here at The Poet by Day for other poets who blog and for elders and disabled like me who are mostly home bound and cannot get out and pound the pavement for peace and sustainability.


…and please pass the word


poets, musicians, and artists around the world
in demonstration/celebration to promote peace and sustainability and to call for
serious social, environmental and political change.

Here are some links of interest and some more info . . . MORE


Jamie Dedes is a Lebanese-American poet and free-lance writer. She is the founder and curator of The Poet by Day, info hub for poets and writers, and the founder of The Bardo Group, publishers of The BeZine, of which she was the founding editor and currently a co-manager editor with Michael Dickel. Ms. Dedes is the Poet Laureate of Womawords Press 2020 and U.S associate to that press as well. Her debut collection, "The Damask Garden," is due out fall 2020 from Blue Dolphin Press.

One thought on “Update on 100,000 Poets for Change …

  1. Jamie, you have been, and remain the chief inspiration for not only this project (100,000 Poets for Change) here at The Bardo Group, but also of course The Bardo itself. I remind myself that the Tibetan word, Bardo, which I know you yourself chose with great thoughtfulness and care, itself means a ‘transitional state’, which inspires the ethos we have adopted; it inspires a belief in the possibility of transition – that is a wholesome change of consciousness, a re-seeding of the conscience – and above all, it inspires the belief that we still have HOPE for a less violent world and a hope that the human race will begin truly to understand how valuable this planet is; that there is no other planet or civilisation like us, near enough, ever to save us from ourselves; that we are alone in what is effectively an infinite space; alone to survive this amazing journey on this beautiful aqueous isle, this oasis that we call planet earth. [I think Carl Sagan expressed this so brilliantly in the YouTube video you posted as part of this project].

    For the record, I also salute that very busy and inspirational woman, Terri Stewart, for agreeing to carry this mantle into the future. For however long it lasts, we are blessed with a platform that has the potential for making a contribution, for allowing those writers, poets and artists – anyone with a desire to express themselves in fact – with belief enough, to give the world, via the amazing World Wide Web (as long as it remains neutral!) a vision of a better future. And if we can visualise a better world that is free of war and violence, we can achieve it and then focus our energy on tackling the causes of the natural threats to our continuing existence on Earth, hunger and disease. Without this kind of indomitable spirit, we would be in a far more sorry state. So thank you BOTH.


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