Climate Change

—a long drought in Syriadust-3-web
depletes soil and farmers
(those lower classes) migrate
to cities as their fields fail.
Amid the oppression
discontent and hopelessness
burn across the region.

Arab Spring and the Syrian Civil War
mobilize war machines—
climate change of another sort—
tanks, artillery, armored vehicles, bombs—
crushing the soil,
crushing the crust.

And the bombs bursting
in air, scattering dust.

What farmers remain are killed,
driven out by ISIS, Syrian Army, or Rebels,
driven out by inability to farm and raise food
and what they scratch from the soil
gets stolen by the armies—

driving the refugee crisis,
driving across the old fields,
driving further depletion,
destruction of top soil.

And a year ago,
winds picked up the dust,
created a widely destructive
work of art, a dust storm
to end all dust storms,
a world war of dust storm
from Syria to Cypress out in the sea.

NASA Satellite image Sept. 7, 2015

The effects of climate change
multiplying, driving more refugees
into more widespread urban areas
amid the oppression
discontent and hopelessness
across the ever-widening region.

—Michael Dickel


The focus of "The BeZine," a publication of The Bardo Group Beguines, is on sacred space (common ground) as it is expressed through the arts. Our work covers a range of topics: spirituality, life, death, personal experience, culture, current events, history, art, and photography and film. We share work here that is representative of universal human values however differently they might be expressed in our varied religions and cultures. We feel that our art and our Internet-facilitated social connection offer a means to see one another in our simple humanity, as brothers and sisters, and not as “other.” This is a space where we hope you’ll delight in learning how much you have in common with “other” peoples. We hope that your visits here will help you to love (respect) not fear. For more see our Info/Mission Statement Page.

One thought on “Climate Change

  1. So much to think about: centuries ago war was between soldiers and armies. As weapons and tactics have “evolved”, it has become something waged on civilians, cities, soil and the planet. Nothing is sacred. Yes, “discontent and hopelessness burn across the region” because of this!


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